Release - 5.7.0

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (06-05-2024)

  1. Not able to download QR-codes from published collection. KN-1057

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (17-04-2024)

  1. Removing inQuiry schemas from Knowlg repo (IQ-750)

Release Tags:

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (20-03-2024)


  1. cloud storage SDK values pass in build time in search-service: KN-1033

  2. Question & Question Set objects image nodes issue

Release Tags:

API Services:

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (07-03-2024)


  1. CLONE - Imported Questionset is not playing in staging - IQ-682

Release Tags:

API Services:

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (27-02-2024)


  1. CLONE - New framework category values are not getting saved while creating resource content - KN-972

Release Tags:

API Services:

Sunbird Content Editor:

Please build and deploy using blow content-editor and content-plugin tags for above bug fix.

Content Editor:

Tag: release-5.2.1_RC4

Content Plugins:

Tag: release-5.2.1_RC4

Hot-fix 5.7.0 (14-02-2024)


  1. Portal: When content creator TN tried to save course, its throwing error "Something went wrong" -KN-973

  2. [Mobile][SSO]: After accepting the Global Consent pop up, the user navigates to the 'Edit Profile' screen, where the user is unable to select the fields. - KN-974


As part of this release, we moved retire API to content service. So, please update/add below kafka topic as a configuration.

kafka.topics.graph.event = "<ENV>"


Hot-fix 5.7.0 (12-02-2024)


  1. Configured Category values are not coming for the Draft and Published Text Book - KN-966

  2. [SHALLOW COPY]: User is able to delete the Shallow copy created book where user should not be able to delete the Book. - KN-970

5.7.0 (13-09-2023)

Discussion thread:

Release timeline:

5.7.0 total scope: Link

Document Release Version

1. Summary of the changes

This document contains information about the new features and enhancements planned to the Knowlg building block as part of release 5.7.0:

Enhancements: Click here to view the list. (CSP changes was Hotfix taken as part of previous release, ticket updated for this release)

Bug Fixes - click here to see the list of bugs fixed in this release.

Test Scenarios: NA

Following are the Planned Tickets of R 5.7.0

New Features:


Enhancements / Technical tasks::

Release Tags:

Upgrade Knowlg From 5.6.0 to 5.7.0

API Services:


We can utilize the Flink job created by the inquiry team to update user PII data in Knowlg, along with the necessary configuration changes. The details are provided below for your reference:

NOTE: If any adopter is deploying Knowlg alone, they should extract this specific job from the inQuiry codebase and include the mentioned configurations. Alternatively, if they are using both Knowlg and inQuiry, they only need to update the configuration values for user_pii_target_object_types that encompass both Knowlg and inQuiry objects.

Configuration/Environment variable changes:

In this release, we have deprecated the Sunbird Learning service, including an API that was previously served by this service. We have relocated this API to the Sunbird content service. Consequently, we need to update the Kong file to ensure that the upstream URL for the license validation API (asset/v3/validate) points to the Content service instead of the Learning service.

Breaking changes (The existing features will break the if we don’t do the below actions):

During the upgrade to version 5.7.0, it is essential to ensure that the mentioned services and environments are properly updated. Previously, the APIs mentioned were part of the sunbird-learning-service, but now they have been moved to the content-service without altering the API contract. Additionally, changes have been made to ensure that these APIs are no longer served from the sunbird-learning-service.

Therefore, it is crucial to verify that the necessary updates are implemented correctly for a smooth transition to version 5.7.0.

List of APIs moved to Content Service:

Last updated