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Overlay is used to show some extra information on top of the content. This is a configurable properties
User switcher (enableUserSwitcher): Content player v1 has the capability to enable multi-user with this feature. The enableUserSwitcher is a overlay property and it is used to switch between users while playing content.
Show user _ (showUser)_: Player provide the capability to hide and show the users while rendering the content. The show/hide user-switcher functionality. default is true to show user information
Show Overlay (showOverlayshowOverlay): This property enhance the content player capability to show extra information about contents. Default is true.
Show next (showNext): This is a navigation property of next button for content. You can hide and show the next navigation button. Default is true.
Show previous (showPrevious): This is a navigation property of previous button for content. You can hide and show the previous navigation button. Default is true.
Show Submit (showSubmit): This is used to show a submit button after attending the assessment. Default is true.
Show reload (showReload): Show reload button is used to reload or re-render the stage. This is a configurable property to show/hide this reply button. Default is true.
User can customise the loading screen of the content player using below configuration
This navigate feature will provide the user to view previous and next page from given page PDF player only provides to jump to any specific location capability.
This is one of the property of overlay config. This allows user to perform the following actions based input config provided.
Replay: Its a default feature of the side menu. By clicking on 'replay' user can play the content again.
Switch user: Side menu enables user to switch the current user by clicking on this side menu option. Refer user switcher config to configure this button.
Mute: Side menu allows user to mute and unmute the sound of the content. Default is unmute.
Exit: Its a default feature of the side menu options and user can exit the content bu clicking on this button
Read teacher instructions: While creating the ECML type content if creator added the instruction to the stage, each stage will show that instructions. This is a configurable property of the side menu
Sample config to show the instructions
Content player allows to show the customise page after rendering the content. showEndPage property defines to show this page as a end page. This end page will have the following buttons to interact with the contents
Sample config to show end page
Previous: In a collection play - the previous button will indicate the previous content in the collection.
Score: This will indicate the user's score on the end page
Time: This will indicate - how much time user has spent on the content.
Name : It shows the Name of the content. This will show as per the name property of the content metadata.
Creator: It shows the Name of the content creator. This will show as per the creator property of the content metadata.
Replay: By clicking on the replay button user can reload the content. Its a default property of the end page.
Username: Initial letter of the user will show on the end page. By clicking on this button user switcher popup will show - witch allows you to select and switch the user.
Exit: By clicking on the Exit button user can exit the content and application.
Next and previous buttons are used see the next and previous slide of the content. On end page, the next and previous button can be configured.
To show these buttons on the end page, you have to expose the service methods. Please refer to these services for more information.
Sample API response to show the next and previous button