Content Upload
Q. How do you upload content on the platform?
The user must signed in with the registered credential and access the workspace. To access the workspace.
Q. How to upload files from your Workspace?
Click Upload File tab. The Upload Content page is displayed.
Browse and select the desired file for upload
Enter URL of the video ( If the file to be uploaded is a Youtube Video
Note: These are the valid and supported file types:
Text (*.pdf)
Video (*.mp4)
HTML Archive
You can upload only one file of maximum 25 MB at a time
The file is automatically uploaded on selection
On successful upload, the preview of the uploaded file is displayed
Click Send for Review, a page with a form is displayed which adds file metadata
Enter Name and select options from the dropdown list for Board, Medium, Subject and Grade
Select Audience from the drop-down list available. You can select among two types of audiences:
a. Learner b. Instructor
Specify the Resource Type from the drop-down list provided on the page.
From the Concept field, select any concept(s) from the list displayed
Enter Keywords
Enter Attributions and Keywords
Click Save. You have successfully uploaded the file
The file is available on the portal for review to the designated reviewer.
Q. What is bulk upload? Is bulk upload possible on the platform?
Using the Bulk upload method you can add multiple content files simultaneously on the platform. You do not need to upload one file at a time
Q. How to bulk upload content on the platform?
To bulk upload content,
Send a mail to, with the subject as request to bulk upload
Supported file formats:
Text (.pdf) - Video (.mp4, .webm, YouTube URLs) - HTML - ECML (created using the inbuilt content editor) - EPUB - H5P
File size should not exceed 25MB per file
The team will respond with a form (excel file), seeking basic information on the nature of the content
Reply to the mail after filling in the required details, such as file name, description, file type, subject, class
This information will be used as metadata for each file. Metadata is important to make content searchable and usable by platform members
Compress all the content files into one .zip file. The size of the zip file should not exceed 25MB
Upload the .zip file on Google drive and share the link with or email the zipped folder to
Ensure the following if the content is URL based:
The destination website uses HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (https) and not HyperText Transfer Protocol (http).
The destination website is enabled for cross origin resource sharing
Note: Before sharing the .zip file, check that every author, or content creator is a registered user on the platform. To register on the platform, share your details at All content that is uploaded will be added with the creator’s credentials
On receiving the .zip file, the Content PMU will review it before it is uploaded
The status of all content uploaded in bulk will be ‘Draft’
The system sends an email alert to the organization’s designated reviewers
On reviewing the content, the reviewer either accepts or rejects it
On accepting the content, the reviewer clicks Publish, to make the content live on the platform
Q. Can you upload content at regular intervals or is there a specific time window for content upload?
You can upload content anytime from anywhere provided you ave Internet connectivity.
Q. Are APIS required to pull content?
APIs are not required to pull content into the platform’s repository.
Last updated