Link DIAL Code to a Book
An educational institution XYZ, with over three thousand students, is spread across three locations. XYZ institute has decided to use Sunbird for its digital learning solution to provide more scalable and effective education to its students.
An energized book contains a QR code or a QR Code with a DIAL code in it. The students can scan the QR code using the Sunbird mobile app (Android 1.7.0 onwards) on their smartphone or other electronic devices like a laptop (using chrome browser) or a tablet. Scanning QR code provides a user the web links of related reading content. It helps the students to access the more content easily and understand the topics better.
Intended Audience
A user with book creation access
A book creator can tag various pages and topics with DIAL code as required. Using the DIAL codes, a book’s content can be converted into digital content. It provides the students easy access to content by transforming physical content material into digital content.
API Key to access Sunbird APIs. To create an API key refer How to generate a API key
Software that can make API calls like curl or POSTMAN
The root organization and sub-organizations created and their organsationId and root organization’s channel readily available
The user account created in the root-organization and userId readily available
The created users are mapped to the organization and given appropriate rights and permisssions
Access to QR code and DIAL code. By default, any book creator gets access to link and unlink DIAL code
The DIAL code attribute must be configured in the Create Content API
Content linking to QR code: As a book creator or author, you can create content and associate the QR code and DIAL code to the content. This can be done via API and Sunbird User interface as well. This document describes how to link DIAL code to a book using APIs.
Presteps to Follow to Before Linking a DIAL Code to a Book
Ensure to complete the following before linking DIAL code to a book:
a. Create Publisher
This API is associated with creating a publisher
endpoint executes the “Create Publisher” request based on parameters provided as metadata in the request bodyRequired fields cannot be left null or empty
While providing values for the parameters in the request body of the API, it is essential to mention values as mentioned in the following table:
It is a unique Id to identify the root organization to which the publisher has to be created
Application/json Multipart/form-data Application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The media type of the resource
All User APIs require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the authorization key. Mention the received key here
Request Body for create publisher API
Response Body of Create Publisher API
b. Generate QR Code
This API is associated with generating DIAL code.
endpoint executes the “Generate DIAL code” request based on parameters provided as metadata in the request body to be replaced by appropriate IdRequired fields cannot be left null or empty
While providing values for the parameters in the request body of the API, it is essential to mention values as mentioned in the following table:
It is a unique Id to identify the root organization to which the dialcodes have to be generated
Application/json Multipart/form-data Application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The media type of the resource
All User APIs require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the authorization key. Mention the received key here
Request Body of Generate DIAL Code API ** :
Response Body of Generate DIAL Code API
Link DIAL code to content using DIAL API
This API is associated with linking DIAL code to the content.
endpoint executes the “Link DIAL code” request based on parameters provided as metadata in the request body.Required fields cannot be left null or empty.
As it is an updated request, whatever the list of dial codes API gets in the request body against any particular content Id or list of content Ids; the API updates the same as content metadata. If API does not get any value in dial code list, it delinks the content from all the existing dial-code by removing dial codes from content metadata.
While providing values for the parameters in the request body of the API, it is essential to mention values as mentioned in the following table:
It is a unique Id to identify the root organization to which the user belongs
Application/json Multipart/form-data Application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The media type of the resource
All User APIs require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the authorization key. Mention the received key here
Request Body Parameter
List of content identifiers that are linked with dial codes
List of dial codes to which identifiers will be linked
Link DIAL code API End point: POST: /dialcode/v1/content/link
Request Body for linking DIAL code API
Response Body for linking DIAL code API
{ “id”: “”, “ver”: “3.0”, “ts”: “2018-09-18T09:15:01ZZ” “, “params”: { “resmsgid”: “287298eb-ac54-4c9a-bf98-c0b1b1d4732e”, “msgid”: “null”, “err”: “null”, “status”: “successful”, “errmsg”: “null” }, “responseCode”: “OK”, “result”: { “node_id”: “do_3010101011”, “versionKey”: “1542625257776” } }
The Link DIAL Code (Digital Infrastructure for Augmented Learning) API resources are used for energizing the textbooks.
For more information, refer to Content linking to QR code.
Consuming DIAL Code linked content
You can consume the content linked with DIAL code using mobile or website
To consume the content using Sunbird mobile app:
Scan the QR code using the Sunbird app installed on your mobile
To consume the content using Sunbird portal:
Go to
Enter the DIAL code (the alphanumeric number) in the Explore Content Using DIAL Code field and click on the Search icon
Concept Covered
QR code: It is a two-dimensional machine-readable barcode that is readable by smartphones and some other electronic devices. It consists of an array of black and white squares, which essentially encode web link as graphics. Users can scan QR code using a smartphone and some other electronic devices.
Discovery of digital content from physical textbooks is made possible by printing a QR code along with DIAL code on books and linking digital teaching and learning content to the QR codes placed in textbooks at a chapter and topic level.
DIAL Code: A DIAL code is the 6 digits alphanumeric code embedded with QR code.
Energized book: A book that is embedded with QR codes is called Energized book. The energized book serves as the anchor to the reader enabling them to have easy access to digital learning and training material.
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